As we have explored before in articles, Yoga is an ever evolving fitness activity which means that there are always new techniques and classes popping up all over the place. Therefore, you are guaranteed to discover the best workout regime for you, as there is such a vast range of them available for you to try. Most gyms offer the classic form of Yoga, but some institutes provide a collection of alternative yoga classes which are worth hunting for.

So within this article we are going to explore four new types of yoga which you can practice today:

  • Restorative Yoga
  • Chair Yoga
  • Death Metal Yoga
  • Yoga Wheel

Simply research a local arena near you which hosts these classes and you can be feeling the unlimited amount of positive mental and physical effects of the movements in no time!


Restorative Yoga

This type of Yoga focuses mainly on restoring you muscle and mental strength which makes it perfect for injury recovery. And what makes this ideal for a variety of people, is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home rather than attending a fitness centre. Therefore you will likely feel more motivated to take part. All you would need to perform this type of workout at home would be a specialised set of yoga blocks and matt or a cushioned surface paired with some pillows.

Restorative yoga consists of a number of lying and stretching positions which require certain zones of the body to be elevated slightly. The support from blocks or cushions underneath these areas ensures that you are able to maintain the position longer and focus more on the breathing techniques of the workout. As a result of this, you are able to reach the heightened level of mind over body during the sequence of stretching. Therefore, you are able to complete each move at a comfortable pace and are sure to feel the positive effects breathing and tension release on injured areas.


Chair Yoga

Another great form of Yoga for those who are recovering from injury or are of limited mobility is Chair Yoga. This is perfect for people who aim to increase their connection with their body and mind through the stretching and breathing techniques taught in Yoga, but need additional support and require a lowered pace.

Chair Yoga can be carried out at home following a DVD or instructional guide or video online as well as at your local training facility. The only difference between this and traditional Yoga is that you perform each movement with the assistance of a solid object such as a chair. By taking most of the strain away from your muscles, the use of a chair is a great way to give you a cohesive insight to Yoga without risk of further injury.

Death Metal Yoga


Developed by fitness trainer Saskia Thode, Death Metal Yoga combines the aggressive feeling and emotional release of the death metal music with the technique of yoga. This first came about after she suffered an injury and had to attend yoga classes to regain strength and discovered that the environment wasn’t to her taste. And this is where she combined her love for death metal music with the healing and restorative properties of Yoga.

During these classes you will be guided through the intricate movements and breathing techniques of yoga with a backing track designed to pump you up and release aggression. Most classes, especially those created by Thode are started with a howl similar to those used in the music used. However, some moves don’t keep to the traditional characteristics of yoga, but they all consist of the correct form. A few stances and movements used in these classes are listed below:

  • Punching
  • Kicking
  • Air Guitar Playing
  • Head Banging

Therefore, through this yoga you are also experiencing aspects of boxing and kick-boxing training along with unique aspects incorporated into the routine. However, as death metal music is played at an impeccable speed, you will find that through this type of training you will be working your body at a much faster pace rather than at your everyday yoga classes. So if you are after a regime which is going to get your blood pumping, sweating and enjoying the motivation of metal music, this type of Yoga is right up your street.

Yoga Wheellatest yoga trends yoga wheel

A fantastic way to take your at home Yoga sessions to the next level is to introduce a specially designed Yoga wheel into your routine. This type of apparatus has become a popular product for all avid Yoga performers recently due to its impressive abilities. You can purchase yourself one of these fabulous pieces of kit online from a variety of retailers and start taking part as soon as it arrives!

The Yoga wheel enhances the deepness of stretches to provide you with a more satisfying workout. These wheels can be placed behind your spine to increase your back flexibility or under your legs in certain movements. Due to their beneficial properties they also increase your stability while learning new moves. As we all know, trying out a new element without any support could prove to be difficult without another person helping you out. Therefore this wheel can be placed under areas of your body to act as a stable barrier when learning new skills.

What is Your Favourite Form of Yoga Exercises?

Above we have explored a variety of new Yoga exercises which are guaranteed to increase with popularity over the course of the year. However, we want to know if you have tried any of these mentioned exercises before and how you got on with them? Or do you prefer a more traditional approach to Yoga, or are still experimenting with the aforementioned aerial, hot, paddle board, aquatic or nude practices we have mentioned previously on the blog? Let us know on our social media channels today!

You can even shop our fantastic range of high quality sportswear and exercise equipment over on Sports Fitness and update your current Yoga regime in an instant!

This article was written exclusively for Sports Fitness by Loren Astbury