- May 15, 2019
Badminton is a much-loved sport by many who practice it recreationally as well as competitively. However, if you are taking part in badminton matches professionally, you may already be aware of the recent update to the rules. But if you are not up to date with the international rules with regards to badminton, then within this article we are going to discuss the changes which have been made that have professional players in uproar. Earlier this year it was announced that there would be major changes to the professional rules of badminton worldwide and since the release of these adjustment, the sporting world has not been happy as these changes will alter the professional game drastically.
Within this article we are going to have a look at the rules in question which have been updated and how these would each impact the athletes involved. So, if you want to find out more about what has got the badminton world talking, then keep on reading as we will fill you
- July 30, 2018
Badminton can be played one on one or in pairs which makes it such a versatile way of exercising and it is such an enjoyable activity to take part in for all ages. From being introduced to the sport at school to practicing your skills in the gym or recreationally at home, you are sure to get a great level of satisfaction out of the game, and we are here to give you the low down on the two main ways you can play badminton.
Throughout this article we will investigate the differences and similarities between the two ways of playing and help you to identify which you would prefer to practice. Progression is very highly sought after in badminton as playing professionally could eventually earn you a spot in the Olympics.
Benefits of Badminton Overall
Whether you are playing solo or as part of a team, badminton has a fantastic impact on your overall health as it is an intense activity that can be carried out over a long period of time or in short
- March 29, 2018
29th March 2018.While badminton may not be the game that most people think about when they consider sports that have fast-paced action, that's precisely what a professional badminton match includes. Not only do the two players move with serious quickness around the court, but a smashed shuttlecock can reach speeds of almost 500 kilometres per hour! The mixture of gentle, lofting lobs and driving smashes means the pace of a badminton game can turn on a moment's notice. Because it is the central part of the game, good shuttlecocks are a vital element of a successful game. For the amateur or recreational player, though, knowing how to choose the right shuttlecock doesn't always come easily. Not only are there a wide variety of types out there on the market, but they come with all kinds of numerical ratings and different attributes. Some of them can even turn out to be quite expensive. As a result, it?s essential to understand what to look for when shopping for shuttlecocks. The birdie
- December 04, 2017
4th December 2017. Do you feel that nip in the air? Winter is on its way, and that means that the Christmas holiday is right around the corner. It's time to start unpacking your cold weather clothes, dusting off the decorations, and figuring out how to untangle your Christmas lights once and for all. More than that, though, you'll probably also begin to make plans for seeing family or friends ? and then it'll be time to start thinking about gifts! The joy of giving the perfect Christmas gift to a loved one is something that's rarely matched throughout the rest of the year. It's your opportunity to provide a thoughtful and perhaps even useful gift, and the sky is the limit for your creativity. Do you have a friend or family member who considers themselves to be a big badminton lover? Maybe they got their start with the racquet at an early age, or perhaps it has become a hobby over the past few years. In either case, it might be an important part of their life, and you want to show
- July 31, 2017
31st July 2017. Of all the racket sports out there, badminton might be one of the easiest to learn, yet it is immensely difficult to attain mastery over the mechanics. The irregular paths the shuttlecock can take as you lob it through the air, plus the intense speed it can gather when your opponent smashes a return shot, make it a fun and exciting challenge. It's also an excellent workout since you'll be hopping and darting all around the court for an hour or two. Attaining the skills you need on the court and the athleticism you hone along the way will require more than just time: you need the right equipment, too. The badminton shuttlecock is a standard piece of equipment, but rackets vary from person to person. Which one will be right for you? Whether you want to replace an old and broken racket or you're planning to pick up the sport for the first time, this is an important decision. Looking at a racket alone can't tell you if it will be a good fit, though. For that, you'll need
- March 16, 2017
16th March 2017.There's no denying that playing sports are some of the most effective ways of improving your personal fitness and physique. One look at just about any professional athlete is all it takes to see the excellent shape in which they keep their bodies. Though not everyone can play on that kind of level, it doesn't mean that all other individuals can't access the health benefits of athleticism. However, choosing the sport that you play for fitness isn't always easy. Do you choose to go for something standard and classic, like soccer, or does something else catch your interest? Perhaps the fast-paced game of badminton, with its shuttlecocks and small racquets, is the game you'd like to play. Is badminton a good fitness activity? It requires lots of speed and agility which is often the result of intensive training. Thus, there are plenty of good reasons to try it out for fitness purposes. Both the game itself and the preparations you'll need to make can help improve your
- December 12, 2016
12th December 2016. The winter poses one of the biggest hurdles for any individual focused on their fitness. During the rest of the year, sticking to your exercise regimen isn't too difficult. If you have the motivation to get outside and work out, you'll usually stay on top of improving your fitness. Rain can sometimes threaten to keep you indoors, but often, it's just an extra challenge to overcome. Once the winter arrives, though, that's not always possible. The temperatures can quickly plunge well below the freezing point. If you live in an area that's no stranger to heavy snow in the winter, going out for your usual exercise might even be impossible. Whether you want to beat the cold or an outdoor workout is out of the question, you'll need to find a new activity. You should aim for something that keeps you active, engaged, and has an element of challenge. Why not try badminton? Believe
- August 25, 2016
There's a lot to be said about the exciting nature of the sport of tennis. With its enormous popularity around the world, many tune in to watch matches on TV. However, there is another sport that ? while smaller than tennis ? is much more exciting: badminton. In the game of badminton, the feathered shuttlecock provides a much more unstable and unpredictable projectile in flight than a tennis ball. The amount of strokes and moves required to control a shuttlecock and score points fully is staggering. Mastering the game takes not only excellent hand-eye coordination but good physical fitness, too.
Pro badminton players need exceptional arm strength for smashing shots as well as quick and nimble legs to dart around the court. Speed and power are of the essence in this game. Whether your interest lies in developing your game further or you only want to train like the pros, there are plenty of ways you can exercise the muscles badminton uses. From strength training to developing your
- March 11, 2016
.Badminton is a great sport to become proficient in, not just because it is fun and a terrific form of exercise, but also because it can be played at a backyard party just as easy as it can at the local recreation center. Though Badminton is a racquet sport with rules similar to those in tennis, it is absolutely its own sport. The court is roughly half the size of a tennis court, and when you play badminton and realize how fast the shuttlecock/birdie can move at its top speed, you will understand why. Because of these factors, badminton can be tough to master, even if you are already a skilled tennis player. Consider heeding the tips below to start vanquishing your opponents more quickly!
- Learn the terminology
- Ask a for advice from other players
- Find an indoor court to practice
- Know the home position
- Force your opponent to move around
Learn the terminology