Monthly Archives: April 2019
- April 24, 2019
Over recent years technology has dominated the fitness community by allowing athletes to gather more in depth information on their training. The most common way is to use a wristband tracker; however brands have been evolving the tracking technology to allow you to practice your sport freely without having to worry about syncing a band to your phone.
Within this article we are going to look into some of the must-have sports technology which could help you take your training regime to the next level. In this article we are going to look into the technology created by Dribble Up. There are three types of smart balls created by Dribble Up and we are going to explore each of these further within this post:
- Smart Soccer Ball
- Smart Basket Ball
- Smart Medicine Ball
- April 17, 2019
In recent years the health and fitness trends have evolved along with the addition of emotional well-being aspects. And from this, is where Wellness Festivals were born. Typically when you think of a festival, you think of muddy fields and obscenely loud music until the early hours. However, Wellness Festivals are the exact opposite of this and help you become one with your body through allowing yourself to escape from everyday life.
Therefore, if you have not come across the concept of Wellness Festivals before, we have put together a list of six events held here in the UK which might peak your interest. Along with this we are going to look into what a Wellness Festival actually is and how you can benefit from attending. So if you want to find out more about this health trend on the rise, then keep on reading.
- April 10, 2019
Possibly one of the biggest worldwide concerns is that of the longevity of a healthy planet. As humans there are a long list of things which generation after generation has done to harm the world. However, the strive to reverse the effects of Global Warming are hot on consumer and company minds alike. And this is why we have seen such a great advance in technology and alternative methods of creating products and services which help us give back to the environment.
So within this article we are going to look into various improvements in the fitness world are helping us save the planet. We will also explain how easy it is for you to get involved with making simple changes in your day to day life which will help reverse the damaging effects on the world. There are four main topics we are going to cover in this blog post and they are as follows:
- Sustainable Sports Clothing
- Alternative Commuting Methods
- Enhanced Gym Equipment
- Innovative Drinking
- April 03, 2019
Biking is a fantastic way to keep fit whether you are cycling for a commute, leisurely or competitively, the sport is so diverse that people of all ages can enjoy getting outdoors and cycling. And with the vast popularity of cycling, there is no doubt that trends and technologies are ever evolving to improve the experience of the ride. So from advancement with VR cycling events to the update of bike components, keep on reading if you want to find out what you can expect of 2019 in the cycling community.
- Lightweight Framework
- Cycling Clothing
- Gravel Biking
- Virtual Races