Monthly Archives: June 2018
- June 28, 2018
Most people believe that to maintain a healthy heart you need to jog or run regularly. However, there are some aspects of life that mean you are unable to do so, so does that mean you aren’t able to achieve a healthy heart? We will discuss the benefits of running on your heart as well as constraints that mean you are unable to partake in the sport.
How Running Benefits the Body
Running has multiple benefits to your body both physically and mentally. Just a few things that this activity can change your lifestyle are listed below:
- Improves your health
- Lowers blood pressure
- Weight loss
- Boosts mood
- Relieves stress
- Heightened self-esteem
- Reduces symptoms
- Social aspects
When running your body requires more nutrients and oxygen so your heart needs to work harder to replenish these nutrients. By making your heart work harder it makes it stronger, which in
- June 25, 2018
Training regularly, no matter what the type of pace, is a superb way to make sure your body is well tuned. Important aspects of working out are highlighted below;
- Improved heart health
- Weight loss
- Enhanced stamina
- Refreshing and energizing
- Keeps muscles strong
However, when talking about cardio training, there are two main forms that act as a way to maintain a healthy weight as well as heart. These are usually combined together with a nutritious diet for optimum results; however some may prefer one over the other. In this article we are going to explore both of these aspects of cardio and discuss their positive effects on your overall well-being, and ultimately see if one is more effective than the other.
High Intensity Workouts
HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training which means that in a general make-up of a session it would consist of about 5 to 10 minutes of on and off
- June 21, 2018
In the saddle of a well-built mountain bike, the world can feel like it is yours to conquer. As you dominate trails, dodge roots, andravines, and push your body to its limits riding off the beaten path, the right bike ensures you not only always feel like you're in control, but that you also sense that your equipment is working with you, and not against you. From the right kind of tyresto the proper amount of "give" and flex in the frame, there are a lot of things to consider when purchasing a mountain bike. For those shopping on a budget, or especially if you're coming to look at what's on the market after some time away, that can be an intimidating task.
Armed with the right knowledge and some sense of which brands out there are worth your trust, though, you can approach the task with a much better chance of coming away with the best bike for you. From matching models to your budget range to understanding some of the jargonyou'll hear tossed around both online and in bike stores,
- June 18, 2018
For some runners, running just onemarathon is a bucket list item that they spend weeks, months, or even years training to accomplish. For others, running one or more marathons a year is a normaloccurrence for them, perhaps with the occasional sojourn out of their local area to attend a bigger, more notable marathon. Hardcore runners may have a laundry list of accomplishments they hope to achieve in their amateur career, from reaching certain time milestones to participating in particular races. Some of those runners place on their bucket list what you might consider one of the ultimate achievements in sports: running seven different marathons, with each one taking place on a different continent.
Not only is this perhaps one of the most uniqueways to see the world,it is also one of the most physically challenging. Running a marathon at sea level in good weather is challenging enough. Now throw into the mix world travel, jet lag, and some very different
- June 12, 2018
It's no secret that darts players are incrediblypassionate about their game of choice. A visit to any of the professional, officially sanctioned darts matches will reveal that in an instant: the screaming and roaring crowd that instantly falls to silence when a player approaches the line comes right back to life when the throw lands true. Even your average casual pub match can become boisterous and excitable. The skill and precision necessary to be a good darts player, combined with the need for long-term consistency, means that this is a game where bragging rights are of the utmost importance.
It should come as no surprise, then, to learn that the Guinness Book of World Records contains dozens of darts-related records accumulated from over the years. Now players do not needto argue over who can achieve what — there's always the opportunity to put one's proverbial money where their mouth is by challenging a record. Some of the recordsin the book have stood for
- June 07, 2018
Good physical conditioning is a must in any sport, but when it comes to basketball, it is absolutelythe key to success. All the practice at shooting threes and free throws in the world won't make a difference if you don't have the stamina, flexibility, and power to use on the court. To make the shots, you must get in position first, and that often means beating other well-trained players to the basket. In short, you'll need to have the right training regimen lined up if you want to be successful.
Even if you aren't aiming to play competitively and you justwant to improve your physical fitness, the routines used by basketball professionals can help you to developyour abilities. The training you do in and out of the gym will be a majorpart of that. However, what you eat plays an important role too. Basketball players need a balanced diet that can support their bodies even during very strenuous, high energy activities. That doesn't mean loading up on junk calories, though. Between
- June 04, 2018
Are regular swimming activities not cutting it for you anymore? If you find that you're feeling bored every time you get into the pool, it can be almost impossible to stick with any sort ofroutine you might have built up over time. That can, in turn, lead to inconsistencies in your fitness efforts. What if you could spend some time pursuing something in the water that could revitaliseyour interest in maintaining good health for swimming? Add one more question to the list: what if you could do that while taking on the role of a mermaid? It might sound like a fantasy story, but it's a reality you can access today.
Mermaid training is a growing niche element in the world of fitness based onold-fashioned shows that were once performedfor tourists, especially in places such as Florida in the United States. Wearing a single swim fin designed to look like a mermaid's tail, professionals are renowned for their ability to perform complex moves underwater while holding