Monthly Archives: October 2017
- October 31, 2017
31st October 2017.There's no question about it: The Iron Man triathlon is one of the toughest sporting events in the whole world. It takes the mindset of the marathon runner to an extreme, and it is all about pushing your body to its absolute limits across all three events. To prepare, it takes months of structured training and a laser-like focus on the end goal: just making it across the finish line at the end of the day. Now, the time is almost here ? you can practically hear the starting gun when you look at the calendar and see that your race day is on the horizon. Perhaps you've even already started your training taper, winding down to be in peak condition. All that training helps to prepare your body for many of the challenges it will face during the race, but how should you approach the actual event? You don't want just to show up and start going at 100% effort with no game plan. That's a recipe for disaster, and it could spoil your months of hard work if you have to tap out
- October 30, 2017
30th October 2017. Stretching your body is an important part of fitness ? after all, without the proper stretches, we'd be sore every time we finished a round of strenuous exercise. Yoga goes a step further, though, and this ancient practice seeks to unify body and mind while you move through a series of positions. Some challenge you, others will leave you feeling relaxed and good about yourself, but every form of yoga can have positive benefits to your health. From strengthening joints to improving your mental wellness, there is much to gain ? but what if you aren't satisfied with a traditional, "basic" form of yoga anymore? You're not alone. In fact, recent years have seen an explosion in the number of new approaches to yoga hitting studios all around the world. While some are brand new inventions that stray farther afield from yoga's origins, others continue to draw on ancient practices for inspiration. From the unique and challenging positions of aerial yoga to the battle of
- October 26, 2017
26th October 2017. While summer is considered the best time of year for many sports, the autumn holds its own appeal for outdoor activities as well. While others continue practising their football skills or join up with a crowd of marathon runners enjoying the last good weather of the year, you can choose to spend your time engaged in a more relaxing and mentally stimulating pursuit ? flying a kite! We often consider the spring as the prime season for flying kites, but the fall has its own host of benefits that make it worth your time to head outdoors. In the right wind conditions, flying a kite can even be a workout. You'll need to work hard against a strong breeze, and if a gust comes, prepare to engage all the muscles in your core keeping the kite steady. It's surprisingly exciting, and an excellent way to spend some of your time outdoors this season. Let's take a closer look at what makes the fall so ideal for putting together a brand-new
- October 23, 2017
23rd October 2017.Water-based workouts are nothing new, but innovations in this arena happen all the time. We've come a long way from "Jazzercise" and the first aquatic aerobics classes. Besides swimming laps and practising your strokes, enrolling in some of these classes can be a good way to add variety to your workout while also enjoying a social atmosphere for exercise. Do you often feel the classes you've experienced in the past weren't strenuous or engaging enough? It's not an uncommon feeling, especially since many classes tend to fall into the same patterns after a few weeks of attendance. For those curious about other aquatic workouts out there, consider the rising popularity of Hydro-Fit circuit training. If you've experienced circuit training on dry land, where you rotate between a variety of stations for weight or cardio-based activities, then you already have a head start in understanding this type of exercise. For those who haven't tried this kind of training before,
- October 19, 2017
19th October 2017. When it comes to the running world, there's one thing you'll see hammered home as more important than anything else: distance, distance, distance. Everyone seems to want to be able to claim that they ran farther every week. Marathons are often held up as a serious goal for many. Even half marathons continue to gain popularity, and there are the super endurance tests you'll find in the "ultra-running" community. Is focusing on distance and endurance the only way to go when you want to run for fitness? Absolutely not! In fact, there aren't any rules that say focusing on long-term stamina is the best practice. Why punish yourself with hours-long runs when it just makes you not want to run at all? Short distance running is not only easier to accustom your body to, but it can have distinct health benefits of its own. It's also easier to fit shorter runs into a busy schedule or when the weather isn't good. So, what are these benefits and how should you approach this
- October 16, 2017
16th October 2017. When someone asks a question such as "what's your favourite time of year for cycling?" you probably won't hear "winter" as an answer very often. Unless you live some place where winters are especially mild with little to no chance of snow, you'll face tonnes of unique challenges that make cycling a bit more difficult. Not only that, but you'll also be fighting against your own desire to stay indoors where it's warm and cosy! It's important that you stick to the routine you've built up over the course of the whole year, though, because you don't want to lose all the progress you've made. With that in mind, making the right preparations for winter ahead of time will simplify the season and make it easier for you to achieve your goals. By the time the spring thaw arrives, you'll still be near peak condition and ready to set a whole new slew of goals for the next year. So, what should you do to prepare? From assembling the right gear and prepping your bike to thinking
- October 12, 2017
12th October 2017.What's your favourite type of exercise? Unless you're a hardcore runner or swimmer, chances are your answer isn't going to be "cardio." Even so, it's an important and critical part of developing your physical fitness; it's also often something you can work on without the need for any special equipment. Cardio alone isn't going to bring you to a higher level of healthiness. It contributes in a big way, of course, but look at any serious fitness regimen, and you'll notice a common trait: they all balance cardio training with some kind of weight training, too. Unfortunately, for many, weight training seems like something out of reach to them. You might feel this way too, especially if you cannot afford a gym membership or simply do not have the time to invest in going to a weight room. Even purchasing home weights can be troublesome and expensive. What if you didn't need barbells and dumbbells to improve your muscles and start complementing your cardio workouts? You
- October 09, 2017
9th October 2017. Who is the best swimmer in the world? Before you can answer that question, you'll need to be more specific: male or female? Men and women compete on different levels, and their accomplishments can be quite different from one another. After that, you'll need to be even more specific: what do you mean by "the best"? Even the most elite swimmers can have an off day and end up blown out in a race that they would usually win. Taking the time to figure out who qualifies as the best based solely on statistics may not work well, either ? so how can you answer the question? Luckily, we don't have to do it on our own: many official bodies help us judge a swimmer based on the totality of what they've accomplished in their career or during a given year. Such is the case with the US-based publication Swimming World, which for more than 50 years has named its "World Swimmer of the Year" for both men and women. A distinguished title, being named World Swimmer of the Year means
- October 05, 2017
5th October 2017.Every runner knows the feeling of relief that accompanies checking the forecast and seeing the first inklings of autumn on the horizon. As the temperatures from summer finally start to subside, the foliage begins to change, and it becomes much more enjoyable to spend more time outdoors. Of course, that's when it isn't raining! Runners can face some unique seasonal challenges during this time of year. You can't let that slow you down, though, especially since you might not be able to train as hard during the winter. Snowfall tends to shut down your drive to plough through the kilometres on your to-do list. Preparing for what awaits you during this time of year can help you stay focused on your goals without letting your fitness suffer. From how to deal with the unpredictable weather to ways you can use the season to your advantage, there's plenty of opportunity waiting for you. So, what should you keep in mind as autumn finally arrives again? Here are sevenseven simple
- October 02, 2017
2nd October 2017. Cycling isn't just a sport ? at its heart, it is just another mode of transportation. When bicycles first arrived, that's certainly a core part of their function. Competitive racing and long-distance endurance cycling, plus the avid fitness community that surrounds biking, all came much later. For many years, it was just a means for getting from Point A to Point B. Whether you want to save money on petrol, or you're hoping to "go green" in your life, why not consider spending less time in your car and more time in the saddle? You could choose to commute to work or to run basic errands. Believe it or not, some people even do their grocery shopping on a bicycle. Commuting by bike means you'll spend a lot more time on two wheels, though, and it can be a lot different than cycling for fitness. You may even need a different bike altogether to safely and comfortably complete your commutes. What do you need to keep in mind to make this effort a success? Here are some helpful