Monthly Archives: February 2017
- February 27, 2017
27th February 2017.When was the last time you went bike riding? For many, the answer probably lies some time in the distant past. Even if you have a bike out in the garage, it might not see much use at all. Why not, though? Cycling can be a very fun and rewarding fitness activity for individuals of all ages. With the chilly days of winter fading away and the warmth of spring breaking out, there's no better time to saddle up and go cycling. If you've never thought about taking road cycling seriously, though, taking those first steps can seem daunting and difficult. It doesn't have to be that way, though. Despite the different handlebars, riding a road bike should feel comfortable and familiar to almost anyone. With the right preparations, a thoughtful approach, and a can-do attitude for having fun, you can come to love cycling in the spring. It may even be something you choose to stick with through the remainder of the year. Where should you start, though? Let's take a quick look
- February 23, 2017
23rd February 2017.The first morning you awake and find that the temperature is finally back at a level where it's comfortable to go outside, it's no surprise if you feel excited! When a long winter finally comes to an end, the chance to spend more time outdoors without feeling cold and frozen is a welcome change. Of course, spring also brings with it another opportunity, the chance to start or return to exercising. Whether you've made a New Year's resolution you want to stick to or not, the spring is the perfect time to leave the stuffy indoors and get back to running. Did you spend any time in the winter exercising? With the abundant holidays and frequent travel, your answer could be "not really" and that's okay. While sticking to a routine through the winter is preferable, it's not easy, and not everyone has the time or access to a gym. The spring is an excellent time to make up lost ground, though! How should you approach your new spring fitness activity? There are plenty of
- February 20, 2017
20th February 2017. In every fitness activity and athletic pursuit, there's a need for the right equipment. Even an exercise as straightforward and basic as running requires footwear that supports your body as you run. After all, there aren't many surfaces left that allow for running barefoot ? nor is it the best way to improve your fitness. Choosing the right equipment, balancing comfort and function, and putting that equipment to good use is an integral part of exercise success. For swimmers, the equivalent to a good pair of running shoes is an item that rests on an entirely different part of your body. We're talking about goggles, of course. Though humans have a natural ability to see underwater, it's all but impossible to see where you're going when you're slicing through the pool at high speed. To see through the waves and walls of bubbles, you need a good pair of swim goggles
- February 16, 2017
16th February 2017. There is one feeling common to everyone who exercises or makes fitness a priority in their lives: burnout. Even for the most dedicated athletes, losing the motivation to keep working out is a real problem. It often starts innocently enough, too. You wake up one morning and just feel "too tired," or the weather is just "too bad" to head out and exercise. What's the harm in taking one day off from your routine? Of course, one day can quickly turn into two, which spirals into three ? and before you know it, all that motivation to exercise has vanished. How can you get it back? Consistency in exercise is among the most important factors in developing better health and improving your body. When it feels like a huge mental struggle just to get back in the habit, though, even one day of exercise can be a worthy goal. If you're experiencing burnout or a loss of motivation, don't worry ? there are solutions out there. We'll discuss a few of the best ways you can try to
- February 13, 2017
13th February 2017.There's no greater test of your cycling prowess nor any better way to experience freedom on two wheels than to undertake a cycling tour. Preparing for a tour takes a lot of work, and quite a lot of heavy training, too! When you finally lock your front door, saddle up on your bike, and pedal off towards the horizon, though, you'll know that all that hard work was worth your time. If you feel like you're finally in the right shape to handle a multi-day cycling tour, it's time to lay the groundwork for your departure. You can't just jump on your bike and head off because you feel physically fit enough. Instead, you'll want to make sure you have a well-developed plan in place and ready. From planning the path you'll cycle to figuring out what to bring along in your saddlebags, there's plenty to do before you leave. In this article, we'll cover the basics of choosing a route, packing, and planning for a successful trip on your bicycle. Try keeping some paper handy so
- February 09, 20179th February 2017. Of all the sports, basketball can be one of the most physically demanding. Anyone who's played in even a casual "pick up" game knows that after an hour of chasing the ball around the court, you're drenched in sweat and out of breath. With your heart pounding, though, you know you've had a good game. Playing the game regularly requires some serious physical fitness, though. It's necessary not just to keep up with the pace of the game and its demand for sudden movements, but to develop your overall skill, too. While practising on the court and improving your ball handling skills are both necessary steps, they're just one part of an overall approach to training. When you want to develop your body for basketball, what kind of exercises should dominate your routine? It can be tricky to figure out. You need solid arms for making long-distance three-pointers, but your legs need the endurance it takes to shuffle in every direction around the court. At the same time,
- February 06, 2017
6th February 2017. Who says that you need an ice skating rink and cold temperatures to be able to play hockey? With field hockey, the limitations and equipment costs for ice hockey disappear. Whether you're just getting started with enjoying this fast-paced game or you're looking for ways to improve, training for field hockey is imperative. While ice hockey is a very physical game, movement is much easier due to the smooth, slick surface of the ice. In field hockey, it's all about physical endurance, strong cardiovascular fitness, and the ability to keep on sprinting down the field. Naturally, that's quite a lot of strenuous effort! If you want to find success on the field hockey pitch, you'll need to be adequately prepared to face the challenges every game will throw at you. To that end, it's crucial to develop a training regimen that will help you hone the skills you'll want to use
- February 02, 2017
2nd February 2017.For cyclists everywhere, the sight of a hill on the horizon often inspires feelings of dread and pre-emptive exhaustion. Maybe you feel a little weakness in your legs just thinking about pumping the pedals harder and harder to get up and over that incline! If you've been going out of your way to avoid hills because of the extra effort they require, it's time to stop. Not only are hills one of the best challenges around for bike riders, but that challenge can help you further hone your physical fitness, too. Whether you want to tackle a hilly race challenge or you just want to stop tailoring your route around avoiding hills, you can improve your ability with practice. If you have a hard time going up and coming back down again on your bike, though, you might not know where to begin. Fortunately, there are many useful strategies to use for training on hills. Once you get the hang of it, you may even start to enjoy the difficulty. When cycling on flat ground again,