Monthly Archives: March 2016
- March 31, 2016
If you want to get started with a regular running routine, but don't want to run on your own all the time, then a running club might be right up your alley. Running clubs are merely collectives or organizations that get together to run on a regular basis. The basic idea behind clubs of this ilk is that, by running with other people, you will be able to keep your motivation alive better than you would be on your own.
Running clubs act both as communities and support systems, adding both a social element and a facet of collaboration to the running process. While running is a solo sport, running clubs are built on the idea that it can be communal when enjoyed with other people. As with any other organization, there can be both pros and cons to joining a running club. We've compiled a list of both sides of the argument below, to help you decide whether or not a running club is the right choice for you!
Positive Effects of Joining
- March 28, 2016
There are so many different reasons to teach your child how to swim that they cannot all possibly be cataloged in a single blog post. From safety to self-esteem, all the way to simple leisure and fun, swimming is a skill that will benefit your child time and time again?especially if you live near a body of water.
Swimming as a Survival Skill
First, let's start by looking at the safety reasons for learning to swim. While swimming is often fun, it can also be looked at as a simple safety or survival skill. Most animals are born with an innate ability to swim, which aids in everything from hunting to escaping predators. Humans don't have the same luxury, and while we don't have to hunt or look out for higher-on-the-food-chain animals like most creatures do, learning to swim can still help us survive in a number of ways.
It is a simple inevitability that, at some point in life, your child will find himself or herself near water. Trips to the beach or the pool with
- March 21, 2016
Bicycling is more than just a great way to fulfill your daily exercise regimen. On the contrary, cycling is also a great way to explore unfamiliar places, enjoy the marvels of the outdoors, and get around without relying on fossil fuels. However, it is important to remember when you start cycling on busy roads (or even partially busy roads) that as a cyclist, you are expected to behave more like a car than a pedestrian. You need to travel with the flow of traffic, you need to obey all stop signs and traffic lights, and you need to respect other drivers and the rules of the road at all times. These requirements are not meant to impair the enjoyment of your cycling experience, but rather to ensure your personal safety.
Why Signaling Is Important
One major component of obeying the rules of the road is using signaling. When you drive a car, you are expected to use turn signals before turning down a new street or into a driveway. Of course, your car handles some of your signals
- March 15, 2016
When was the last time you took the family outside on a blustery day and flew a kite? In the era of smartphone games and social media, the old-fashioned charms of kite flying have, for many, been lost. However, disconnecting from the digital world for an afternoon and going out to fly a kite can be a great opportunity for family bonding, and a lot of fun to boot!
What's so fun about flying a kite?
During medium-wind days, it's easy to hold on to a kite and make it dance patterns and twirls across the sky. Whether you are trading one kite back and forth between family members or flying multiple kites all together, there's a simple childlike innocence to flying a kite that you can't really get from anyone else. And since kites are fairly inexpensive, you can easily have everyone in the family out at the same time, keeping a different color kite soaring around in circles. To add an extra layer of fun for young kids, opt for kite decorating kits and allow
- March 11, 2016
.Badminton is a great sport to become proficient in, not just because it is fun and a terrific form of exercise, but also because it can be played at a backyard party just as easy as it can at the local recreation center. Though Badminton is a racquet sport with rules similar to those in tennis, it is absolutely its own sport. The court is roughly half the size of a tennis court, and when you play badminton and realize how fast the shuttlecock/birdie can move at its top speed, you will understand why. Because of these factors, badminton can be tough to master, even if you are already a skilled tennis player. Consider heeding the tips below to start vanquishing your opponents more quickly!
- Learn the terminology
- Ask a for advice from other players
- Find an indoor court to practice
- Know the home position
- Force your opponent to move around
Learn the terminology
- March 08, 2016
February 2016 brings the 50thincarnation of the Super Bowl, so it goes without saying that American football is dominating the sporting headlines right now?even outside of the United States. But how did this sport develop, and how is its history tied to association football? Read on for a brief history of the American football tradition.
Humble Beginnings
The first "official" association football game was played in December 1863 in England after the Football Association met for the first time and decided on a formal set of rules. Rugby football?which can also be linked to the development of American football?also traces its origins to early to mid-19th century England. Unsurprisingly, American football (also known in some circles as "gridiron football," or commonly as just "football" in the United States) developed
- March 04, 2016
Whether you are a young footballer with dreams of someday signing with a major club, or just someone who wants to get into terrific shape, you might wonder how you can replicate the training programs of the pros. How can these athletes cover 10 to 15 kilometers per game and then be back ready to practice the next day? Read on to learn a bit about how you can train like a professional soccer star on your own time.
- Plan a week-long regime
- Focus on the legs
- Mix up your training
- Take the recovery process seriously
- Don't forget diet and sleep
Plan a week-long regime
In a typical one-game week, football clubs will observe a basic weeklong regime cycle to make sure players are in their best shape when the weekend hits. You might not be able to replicate every bit of this training routine. For instance, if you don't have buddies who are willing to run soccer drills with you every day, you
- March 01, 2016
Whether you are trying to decide which sport is right for you or your kids, hockey might not be one of the first athletic pursuits to jump to your mind. However, in terms of both fitness and fun, not many sports can rival hockey. Here are a few reasons why you should consider pursuing hockey? Whether to get in better shape or just to enjoy yourself.
Fitness: Hockey is great cardiovascular exercise.
The cardio benefits of playing field hockey are enormous. Because of the start-stop nature of the game, you might believe that hockey doesn't have the same cardiovascular benefits of simply going for an extended, non-stop run. However, the fact that hockey players are required to alternate periods of high-intensity running with periods of rest actually delivers better cardiovascular exercise than a non-stop workout. When you repeat alternate intense bursts of exercise with brief moments of rest, you are doing